Passive Voice

Название работы: Passive Voice

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Тип работы:

Курсовая теория




33 стр.

Год сдачи:

2006 г.



Introduction 3

Chapter I What is the Categories of Aspect and Voice in English 4

1. The Categories of Aspect 4

2 Concept of The Passive Voice 11

Chapter II Foundation of the Passive Voice in 17

English language 17

1. Development of English Language 17

2. Development of Progressive Verb Forms. 24

Charpter III The Practical Aspects of Analisis of Foundation of the Passive Voice 27

Conclusions 32

Literature 33



The forms of the Active Voice and their use have already been described in the first part of this manual.

So far as its grammatical meaning is concerned, the Active Voice shows that the subject of the sentence is the agent (or doer) of the action expressed by the predicate, that it acts. This definition can be applied to many cases without any special reservations.

The Passive Voice serves to show that the subject of the sentence is not the agent but the object of the action expressed by the predicate verb. The subject in the passive construction does not act but is acted upon, it undergoes an action

The history of foundation а the categories of the verb is very importent thing to undersand morden tendences in English grammar.

Chapter I What is the Categories of Aspect and Voice in English

1. The Categories of Aspect

The general meaning of the category of aspect is the inherent mode of realization of the process. Aspect is closely connected with time semantics, showing, as A. M. Peshkovsky puts it, «the distribution of the action in time», or the «temporal structure» of the action.

Like time, aspect can be expressed both by lexical and grammatical means. This is one more grammatical domain in which English differs dramatically from Russian: in Russian, aspect is rendered by lexical means only, through the subdivision of verbs into perfective and imperfective, делать – сделать; видеть – увидеть; etc. In Russian the aspective classification of verbs is constant and very strict; it presents one of the most typical characteristics of the grammatical system of the verb and governs its tense system formally and semantically. In English, as shown in Unit 10, the aspective meaning is manifested in the lexical subdivision of verbs into limitive and unlimitive, e.g.: to go – to come, to sit – sit down, etc. But most verbs in English migrate easily from one subclass to the other and their aspective meaning is primarily rendered by grammatical means through special variable verbal forms.

Charpter III The Practical Aspects of Analisis of Foundation of the Passive Voice

A.I.Smirnitsky specifies, that during the Middle English period the passive design is used more widely in comparison with Old English though, on its opinion, in Middle English still early to speak about presence of the analytical passive parallel to an active and entering into system of conjugation of a verb.

In Middle English, unlike the modern language, for expression of the figure various pretexts – from, thurgh, of are still used, etc.

However the aforementioned circumstance does not prevent to confirm to us what exactly during the Middle English period occurs formation of analytical passive forms of a verb.The process of morphology the former syntactic designs is connected with variety of changes in the organisation of passive forms which occurred at this time.

At the same time with definitive loss by verbs wesen (ben) and wurthen the lexical value the coordination of the former predicative member with a subject disappears also. In Middle English the participle loses case inflexions and becomes the unchangeable form.

According to these major changes in Middle English there is the analytical form of a passive characterised by indissoluble unity of its parts, from which first (i.e. An auxiliary verb) it is completely deprived the lexical value and which in aggregate transfer value of a passive:


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8. Грин Д. Словарь новых слов / Green Jonathon. Dictionary of New Words. — М.: Вече, Персей, 1996. — 352 с.

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12. Хаймович Б. С., Роговская Б. И. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка (на англ. языке). — М.: Высшая школа, 1967.

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