Часть дипломной по теме: 2 глава. Ways of Expressing Modality in Modern English Based on the Novel “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll.

Название работы: 2 глава. Ways of Expressing Modality in Modern English Based on the Novel “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll.

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Тип работы:

Часть дипломной




68 стр.

Год сдачи:

2023 г.


работа на английском In a broader sense the novel of L. Carroll “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” can be referred to the genre of fairy-tale. Nevertheless, L. Carroll’s fairy-tale is not the same as folklore fairy-tale (for example, fairy-tales by Grimm brothers). From the point of view of M.D. Chertykova, this novel is more close to “dream” fairy-tales of German romanticists, including E.T.W. Hoffmann [Чертыкова, p. 104].

According to this genre, L. Carroll’s novel “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” in language aspect is characterized by:

- mixed and broken rules of logic;

- free fantasy;

- absence of traditional fairy-tale structure;

- absence of happy-end.

Language of L. Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” is not only prosaic but also poetic. Within the prosaic narrations there are eleven poetic inclusions. All of them are peculiar for the features of grotesque, mockery and puns. For example:



In a broader sense the novel of L. Carroll “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” can be referred to the genre of fairy-tale. Nevertheless, L. Carroll’s fairy-tale is not the same as folklore fairy-tale (for example, fairy-tales by Grimm brothers). From the point of view of M.D. Chertykova, this novel is more close to “dream” fairy-tales of German romanticists, including E.T.W. Hoffmann [Чертыкова, p. 104].

According to this genre, L. Carroll’s novel “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” in language aspect is characterized by:

- mixed and broken rules of logic;

- free fantasy;

- absence of traditional fairy-tale structure;

- absence of happy-end.

Language of L. Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” is not only prosaic but also poetic. Within the prosaic narrations there are eleven poetic inclusions. All of them are peculiar for the features of grotesque, mockery and puns. For example:


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